
Application Migration

IT Megaminds has substantial experience of more than 10 years in re-engineering and migration services and solutions to suit specific client requirements – be it new emerging technologies or existing technologies. We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and deliver a solution that fits their business needs.
Your business systems are critical to your and have been built over the years that enabled your operations to run efficiently & successfully. They are reaching a critical stage in their lifecycle and have been causing problems which are getting costlier to fix with each passing day.
Our customers have engaged us when their hardware or software has reached its end of life and are in need for a cost effective solution to migrate to a newer and a more robust platform. From discovery, through migration and deployment, IT Megaminds has solutions that support your migration journey.
If you are seeing one of these symptoms, it is time for a migration and we are here to help.

You are heavily invested in your business critical applications and cannot have downtime –
Our solutions will extend their useful life and prepare them for future migration solutions

You need to minimize risk and cost at the same time –
Migration solutions offer a low risk and highly cost effective alternative in comparison to an expensive rewrite or new code implementation.

Your current platform can’t support your existing needs or needs arising out of your planned growth –
A migration solution can potentially position your business not only for your current needs but also evolve along with your business by supporting mobile devices and Cloud integration.

Your software was built in legacy code and you can’t find qualified coders anymore –
You are not alone. Our programmers with expertise in .Net and Java can help design a solution that fits your purpose and budget.